Called and Confident for Christian Women | Leadership, Purpose, Skills, Ministry, Goals
The Go-To Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Dive into Their Purpose! ***TOP 2.5% GLOBAL RANK PODCAST*** Do you wish you could find time to balance everything and still walk in your purpose? Are you constantly feeling like you don’t know which way God wants you to go or what He wants you to do? Tired of getting too overwhelmed, fighting the battlefield in your mind, and questioning yourself, How do I know if I’m being purposeful? I’m so excited that you’re here! This podcast will help you understand your purpose, find time to work on what you’re actually called to do (even while working full-time), and go deeper in your relationship with God! Hey, I’m Dr. Shayla. Executive Pastor, Nonprofit Director and Entrepreneur. For 10+ years, I was completely stressed out. Doing all of the things: trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I started several businesses that flopped, signed up for multiple courses and training programs, and created random content for my blog, my YouTube channel and social media. I finally realized that if I was going to confidently walk in my calling then I needed to create habits that allowed me to dig deeper with God and let Him lead me into the purpose that He has for me. I now have a blueprint to identify my calling and the action steps needed to make it happen and I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re ready for some simple strategies designed for busy Christian women like you, who desire to get clear on their next steps, so they can move forward in Kingdom impact - like those empowerment sessions you’ve dreamed of hosting, then this podcast is for you! So…it’s time for some girl chat, you grab the popcorn, I’ll grab the peanut M&Ms, and meet me on the couch…let’s get started! Next Steps: Check Out the FREE Resources: Visit the Website: Email Us:

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
FREE CHECKLIST: 7 Practical, Actionable Steps to Launch into Your Calling in 2024
Segment 1: Understanding the Foundations of Purpose- Emphasizing the significance of taking action to fully live out one's calling.- Encouraging listeners to make the new year different by doing things differently.- Offering a prayer for listeners to take action in fulfilling their purpose in the new year.
Segment 2: Exploring the Connection Between Faith and Calling- Discussing the connection between faith and calling for believers.- Encouraging listeners to understand how their faith is intertwined with their calling.- Emphasizing that everything believers do is to glorify God.
Segment 3: Unpacking the Elements of Personal Calling- Encouraging listeners to explore the elements of their personal calling.- Urging listeners to reflect on their unique skills, gifts, and experiences.- Highlighting the importance of mastering one's calling and not settling for mediocrity.
Conclusion:- Reiterating the goal for listeners to have a strong understanding of their calling by the end of the year.- Encouraging listeners to dig deep into purpose, explore biblical perspectives, and connect faith with calling.- Expressing excitement for the positive transformations and discoveries the new year will bring.
Closing Remarks:- Reminding listeners to check out the free checklist for launching into their calling in 2024.- Expressing love and prayers for the listeners.- Encouraging them to leave a written review and share the podcast with others.- Signing off with a reminder that God's got it and God's got them.
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Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
Tuesday Dec 26, 2023
FREE Launch into Your Calling Checklist:
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*Discussion on Past Failures:*
- Shayla reflects on common experiences where life hasn't gone as planned, leading to feelings of failure.- Acknowledging the enemy's attempts to discourage and create doubt, Shayla reassures that past failures don't define individuals.- The importance of recognizing that failures and delays are opportunities for growth and learning.
*Scripture References:*
1. **Genesis 1:27:** "So God created mankind in his own image..." - Emphasizing that individuals are created in God's image, designed for success and overcoming challenges.
2. **Ephesians 2:10:** "For we are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus..." - Highlighting that individuals are God's masterpiece, irrespective of current circumstances.
3. **Romans 8:37:** "No, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." - Affirming that through Christ, individuals are more than conquerors, even in the face of difficulties.
*Encouragement and Prayer:*
- Shayla encourages listeners to reject negative thoughts and feelings of failure.- The reminder that identity is rooted in being created in God's image, and God has a purpose for each individual.- A closing prayer to embrace God's definition of identity and confidently move forward.
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Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
FREE Launch into Your Calling Checklist:
Brand & Web Design Services:
- Acknowledging the tendency to set goals at the beginning of the year and lose track as months pass.- Encouragement to revisit and reassess goals for the fourth quarter of the year.
Tips for Finishing Strong:1. **Pray:** - Emphasis on seeking guidance from God through prayer. - Highlighting the importance of aligning with God's plan. - Scriptural reference: Proverbs 19:21 - "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
2. **Plan:** - Stressing the need to wait for God's direction before making plans. - Scriptural reference: Luke 14:28 - "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?"
3. **Prepare:** - Explaining the concept of preparing oneself before taking action. - Scriptural reference: Proverbs 24:27 - "Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready. After that, build your house."
- Reiteration of the importance of prayer, planning, and preparation for a successful fourth quarter.- Encouragement for listeners to trust God's timing and remain focused on their calling.- Closing prayer for the audience, asking for God's guidance and victory.
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Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
FREE Launch into Your Calling Checklist:
Brand & Web Design Services:
Theme: A Prophetic Word - You Are Being Fortified, Not Forgotten
- Shayla shares a prophetic word she received through prayer.- Addresses the common feeling of being forgotten by God during challenging times.- Defines "fortify" as protecting, strengthening against attack, making strong, and increasing effectiveness.- Assures listeners that they are not forgotten; God is fortifying them in the fire.- Encourages honesty in prayer and reassures that God hears and sees them.
- Shayla emphasizes God's presence, care, and love for the listeners.- Acknowledges the challenges people face, both externally and internally.- Encourages listeners to take their cares and concerns to God in prayer.- Affirms that God is moving them along their path and fortifying them for a purpose.
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Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Brand & Web Design Services:
**Main Topic: "The Secret to a Healthy and Happy Holiday Season"**- Acknowledging that while many love the holidays, it can be challenging for those dealing with loss or other difficulties.
- Citing a study from the University of Utah on how expressing gratitude positively impacts the brain.
- Sharing scriptures (Matthew 6:34, 1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6) to provide spiritual guidance during the holiday season.- Emphasizing the importance of not worrying and instead turning to prayer and gratitude.
**Practical Tips for Overcoming Anxiety:**- Encouraging listeners to take deep breaths and reflect on reasons to be grateful.- Offering a quick gratitude exercise to alleviate anxiety in the moment.
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Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
FREE eBook: 7 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Navigating Your God-Ordained Path:
Path to Purpose Coaching:
Quick Tip Tuesday Question
Today's question: "How can I align my daily life with my purpose?"
Aligning Daily Life with Purpose
The host emphasizes that simply being oneself in everyday life is an expression of purpose, which extends beyond the four walls of the church.
Encourages individuals to operate in their calling regardless of their environment, whether at home, work, or in social settings.
Advises against forcing a purpose, emphasizing that authentic purpose should naturally flow without excessive effort.
Availing Yourself to God
The host suggests a daily prayer, availing oneself to God, seeking His guidance, and allowing Him to use individual gifts and talents.
Stresses the importance of yielding to God to ensure that daily actions align with His purpose effortlessly.
Embracing God's Timing
Acknowledges the process involved in aligning daily life with purpose.
Encourages listeners to trust in God's timing and celebrate progress along the journey.
Highlights the significance of embracing God's timing while balancing responsibilities and priorities.
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Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
FREE eBook: 7 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Navigating Your God-Ordained Path:
Path to Purpose Coaching:
Quick Tip Tuesday Question:
The episode's focus is on the question: "What role do values and beliefs play in finding my purpose?"
Shayla emphasizes the significance of values and beliefs as the nucleus of discovering purpose.
The host discusses integrating faith into purposeful living and the importance of aligning decisions with God's guidance.
Faith as an Anchor:
Faith is highlighted as the anchor in the journey towards purpose.
Even in challenging times, the importance of trusting God's plan is emphasized.
Shayla encourages listeners to maintain faith and beliefs as a steady foundation, preventing them from straying off the path.
Practical Steps and Journey:
The episode delves into practical steps, such as goal setting, action planning, networking, and continuous growth, all guided by one's beliefs and values.
Holy Spirit is acknowledged as the guiding force throughout the journey toward purpose.
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Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
FREE eBook: 7 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Navigating Your God-Ordained Path:
Path to Purpose Coaching:
In this episode of the Called and Confident podcast, Shayla Hilton kicks off Quick Tip Tuesday for the entire month, focusing on answering listeners' questions related to purpose, calling, and destiny. Shayla dives into a crucial question for this episode: "How can I overcome obstacles or fears that are holding me back from fulfilling my purpose?" She provides practical tips to empower listeners on their journey to overcome challenges.
Shayla emphasizes the importance of understanding one's life's mission and crafting a personal mission statement. By unveiling their core strengths and abilities, individuals can gain clarity on their purpose. She encourages listeners to map out their life's purpose journey, ensuring alignment with God's plan. The episode also highlights the significance of addressing fears and self-doubt, emphasizing the need for therapy, prayer, coaching, or deliverance.
To navigate external pressures and expectations, Shayla advises being organized and in control of what can be managed. This includes planning ahead and being prepared for life's challenges. The episode concludes with a reminder to continually build resilience and perseverance, recognizing that God is shaping character through life's difficulties.
In the coaching segment, Shayla offers exclusive one-on-one coaching sessions to help individuals break free from uncertainty and step into their purpose. These sessions promise clarity, personalized guidance, confidence building, actionable strategies, and accountability.
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Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Segment 1: Quick Tip Tuesday - Discovering Life's Purpose
1. Understanding the Foundations of Purpose: - The host emphasizes the importance of understanding the biblical perspective on purpose and God's role in it. - Mention the connection between faith, belief systems, and one's calling.
2. Unpacking Elements of Personal Calling: - The host highlights that everyone has a unique assignment and purpose. - Encourages listeners to reflect on their individuality, experiences, and knowledge to uncover their calling.
3. Reflecting on Unique Gifts and Talents: - Discusses the significance of recognizing personal strengths, talents, and areas of expertise. - Suggests that what brings joy and excitement can be a clue to one's calling.
4. Identifying Passions and Heartfelt Desires: - Points out that passion, whether positive or negative, can indicate a calling. - Advises paying attention to what disturbs or deeply inspires an individual.
5. Aligning Values and Beliefs: - Emphasizes the importance of aligning personal values and beliefs with one's calling. - Suggests that these aspects mesh together to reveal one's purpose.
6. Promotes a Free Resource: "10 Important Questions to Discover Your Calling":
- Recommends using this resource to help with self-discovery and uncovering one's purpose.
Segment 2: Coaching Opportunities:- Announces the availability of coaching spots for those interested in working one-on-one to discover their life's purpose:
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Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Book a Coaching Session:
- Discussing the concept of living life with purpose and its significance.- Emphasizing the importance of a life filled with enjoyment, love, intention, and the glorification of God.
**Living Life on Purpose:**- Highlighting the belief that God has a unique purpose for each individual.- The idea that living life on purpose involves walking in one's calling or moving toward it.- The importance of seeking God's guidance to understand one's life's purpose.
**God's Desire for Abundant Life:**- Emphasizing that God wants people to enjoy life to the fullest.- The reference to Jesus coming to provide abundant life.- Rejecting the notion of living a miserable, unfulfilling life and struggling daily.
**The Value of Each Individual:**- Stressing that every person has gifts, skills, and talents useful to the kingdom of God.- Encouraging individuals to recognize the treasure within and fulfill their unique assignments.- The notion that people are important and their actions can impact others positively.
**The Ripple Effect of Purpose:**- Describing how when everyone is in their designated roles, the will of God can be fulfilled and the kingdom of God advanced.- Encouraging individuals to take their places and contribute to the greater purpose.- The belief that living life with purpose is essential to achieve this.
**Practical Steps to Live with Purpose:**1. **Be Bold:** - Encouraging individuals to be fearless in following their calling and spreading the message of Jesus Christ. - Citing the example of the apostles who were unafraid to share the gospel.
2. **Be Committed:** - Stating that commitment to one's assignment is crucial. - Acknowledging that clarity may come gradually, but commitment is necessary.
3. **Be an Example:** - Urging individuals to be a positive representation of Jesus Christ. - Reminding that others are watching and that one's actions should match their words.
**Book of Acts and Living with Purpose:**- Drawing inspiration from the Book of Acts, where the early church was dedicated to their assignments, resulting in the growth of the church.- Reading Acts chapter 2, verses 36-41, highlighting the impact of their actions and dedication to spreading the message of Jesus Christ.
**Conclusion:**- Encouraging listeners to seek God and surrender to His will.- Expressing the belief that there is much more in store for each individual, and their purpose is a part of God's grand plan.- Encouraging trust in God, even in difficult times.
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