Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

81. Are You Living Life on Purpose or Just Existing and Going through the Motions?

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- Discussing the concept of living life with purpose and its significance.
- Emphasizing the importance of a life filled with enjoyment, love, intention, and the glorification of God.

**Living Life on Purpose:**
- Highlighting the belief that God has a unique purpose for each individual.
- The idea that living life on purpose involves walking in one's calling or moving toward it.
- The importance of seeking God's guidance to understand one's life's purpose.

**God's Desire for Abundant Life:**
- Emphasizing that God wants people to enjoy life to the fullest.
- The reference to Jesus coming to provide abundant life.
- Rejecting the notion of living a miserable, unfulfilling life and struggling daily.

**The Value of Each Individual:**
- Stressing that every person has gifts, skills, and talents useful to the kingdom of God.
- Encouraging individuals to recognize the treasure within and fulfill their unique assignments.
- The notion that people are important and their actions can impact others positively.

**The Ripple Effect of Purpose:**
- Describing how when everyone is in their designated roles, the will of God can be fulfilled and the kingdom of God advanced.
- Encouraging individuals to take their places and contribute to the greater purpose.
- The belief that living life with purpose is essential to achieve this.

**Practical Steps to Live with Purpose:**
1. **Be Bold:**
   - Encouraging individuals to be fearless in following their calling and spreading the message of Jesus Christ.
   - Citing the example of the apostles who were unafraid to share the gospel.

2. **Be Committed:**
   - Stating that commitment to one's assignment is crucial.
   - Acknowledging that clarity may come gradually, but commitment is necessary.

3. **Be an Example:**
   - Urging individuals to be a positive representation of Jesus Christ.
   - Reminding that others are watching and that one's actions should match their words.

**Book of Acts and Living with Purpose:**
- Drawing inspiration from the Book of Acts, where the early church was dedicated to their assignments, resulting in the growth of the church.
- Reading Acts chapter 2, verses 36-41, highlighting the impact of their actions and dedication to spreading the message of Jesus Christ.

- Encouraging listeners to seek God and surrender to His will.
- Expressing the belief that there is much more in store for each individual, and their purpose is a part of God's grand plan.
- Encouraging trust in God, even in difficult times.





Next Steps:

Check Out the FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebie

Join Path to Purpose Academy (PPA): https://bit.ly/3Gxk0oq 

Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/

Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

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