Called and Confident for Christian Women | Destiny, Purpose, Skills, Ministry, Goals

The Go-To Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Dive into Their Purpose! ***TOP 2.5% GLOBAL RANK PODCAST*** Do you wish you could find time to balance everything and still walk in your purpose? Are you constantly feeling like you don’t know which way God wants you to go or what He wants you to do? Tired of getting too overwhelmed, fighting the battlefield in your mind, and questioning yourself, How do I know if I’m being purposeful? I’m so excited that you’re here! This podcast will help you understand your purpose, find time to work on what you’re actually called to do (even while working full-time), and go deeper in your relationship with God! Hey, I’m Shayla. Executive Pastor, Nonprofit Director and Entrepreneur. For 10+ years, I was completely stressed out. Doing all of the things: trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I started several businesses that flopped, signed up for multiple courses and training programs, and created random content for my blog, my YouTube channel and social media. I finally realized that if I was going to confidently walk in my calling then I needed to create habits that allowed me to dig deeper with God and let Him lead me into the purpose that He has for me. I now have a blueprint to identify my calling and the action steps needed to make it happen and I’m ready to share it with you! If you’re ready for some simple strategies designed for busy Christian women like you, who desire to get clear on their next steps, so they can move forward in Kingdom impact - like those empowerment sessions you’ve dreamed of hosting, then this podcast is for you! So…it’s time for some girl chat, you grab the popcorn, I’ll grab the peanut M&Ms, and meet me on the couch…let’s get started! Next Steps: Check Out the FREE Resources: Visit the Website: Email Us:

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Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

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Key Points Discussed:
What Does It Mean to Live Life on Purpose?
Living life on purpose means confidently walking in the unique calling God has for your life.
Purposeful living looks different for everyone, as we are all called to serve in different spaces and places.
It may not always align with societal views of success but is defined by fulfilling God's specific direction for your life.
Challenges to Purposeful Living:
Busyness: One of the biggest distractions that can keep us from living a purposeful life. We often get caught up in the hustle and forget to focus on our spiritual practices.
Complacency: It's easy to drift away from God's will if we aren't diligent about maintaining our spiritual disciplines. Regular habits like prayer, reading the Word, and worship can prevent complacency.
Daily Habits for a Purpose-Driven Life:
Establish a morning routine that includes time for prayer, studying the Bible, worship, and gratitude journaling.
Stay consistent with these habits to remain spiritually sharp and aligned with God's direction for your life.
Avoid letting the routine become monotonous by varying your activities while still maintaining core spiritual practices.
The Importance of Community and Accountability:
Being in a supportive community of like-minded individuals is crucial for staying focused and aligned with God's purpose.
Accountability partners can help you stay on track with your spiritual and personal goals. They provide support, encouragement, and challenge you to grow.
Join a community that understands your journey and can offer guidance, such as our free Facebook group, the "Called and Confident Community."
Next Steps to Deepen Your Purposeful Living:
If you're looking for more personalized support, consider a one-on-one coaching session. This can help you clarify your calling, identify your gifts, and set actionable goals to move forward.
Coaching sessions provide a space for reflection, guidance, and encouragement as you navigate your spiritual journey.
Action Items:
Join the Called and Confident Community to find support, encouragement, and accountability.
Schedule a one-on-one coaching session for more personalized guidance in your spiritual journey.
Reflect on your daily habits and consider making adjustments to stay aligned with God's will.
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Tuesday Sep 17, 2024

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Key Takeaways:
Understanding Your Calling: Many of us feel a strong spiritual calling but may not know what it is or how it aligns with our current job. It's okay to feel this way. The important part is acknowledging that God has a purpose for you beyond your nine-to-five.
Navigating Bi-Vocational Life: It's common to juggle multiple roles—working a regular job while also pursuing ministry or other callings. The key is learning how to balance these responsibilities effectively.
Finding Overlap Between Career and Calling:
Look for ways your career skills and your spiritual gifts intersect. Are you a great project manager? Are you gifted in working with people? Identify the strengths God has given you and see how they show up in your work.
Use a Venn diagram to visualize the overlap between your career and calling. On one side, list aspects of your career; on the other, list your spiritual gifts and callings. In the middle, find the common ground.
Biblical Inspiration – The Apostle Paul: Paul is a prime example of balancing career and calling. While he traveled, preached, and planted churches, he also worked as a tentmaker. His life shows us that it’s possible to fulfill both a career and a spiritual calling simultaneously.
Encouragement for Those Struggling in Their Jobs: If you’re in a job you dislike, remember that God has placed you there for a reason. Seek strength in prayer and look for ways to align your daily work with your higher calling.
Practical Steps to Align Career and Calling:
Reflect on your strengths and gifts.
Identify ways to integrate your calling into your current job.
Seek God’s guidance in balancing your responsibilities and calling.
Community and Support: Join our free Facebook community, "Called and Confident Community," to share your experiences and learn from others who are navigating the same journey. We want to hear how you bring your calling into your career!
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

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Main Discussion Points:
Experiencing Doubt in Faith:
Doubt is a common experience, even among those with strong faith.
When reality doesn't match what God has spoken or promised, it can lead to confusion and uncertainty.
Doubt often creeps in during seasons of uncertainty when we're unsure of our purpose or the next steps to take.
The Danger of Doubt:
Doubt can quickly lead to discouragement and a negative mindset if not addressed.
It's important to recognize when doubt is trying to take over and to take steps to guard our minds and hearts against it.
Why Do We Doubt?
Doubt arises when what we see in the natural world doesn't align with what we've heard from God.
This conflict between the physical and spiritual can create tension and cause us to question our faith.
Biblical Examples of Doubt and Faith:
The host encourages listeners to study biblical figures like Thomas and Gideon who also experienced doubt.
These stories offer insights into how to navigate doubt and stay strong in faith.
Practical Steps to Strengthen Faith:
Daily Spiritual Practices: Engage in daily prayer, meditation on God’s word, reading scripture, listening to worship music, and setting the mind on positive, uplifting things.
Community Support: Be part of a faith community where you can receive support, encouragement, and strength from others. "Iron sharpens iron."
Acknowledge Doubt: Understand that experiencing doubt doesn’t make you a “bad Christian.” God understands our struggles and wants us to bring our doubts to Him.
Encouragement for the Journey:
The host reminds listeners that life and faith are a journey, not a sprint. It's okay to take breaks and to ask for God's help along the way.
Encourages listeners to keep moving forward, trusting in God's plan and His ability to transform their lives.
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Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

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Key Discussion Points:
Understanding Your Calling and Gifts:
Are you aware of what you're called to do? What are the gifts God has placed inside you? Take time this week to reflect on these questions and consider the unique talents God has given you.
Uncovering Hidden Strengths:
God has blessed each of us with unique and specific gifts tailored to our purpose. These gifts may evolve over time, revealing themselves as we enter different phases of life.
Often, we overlook our strengths because they come naturally to us. Take some time to recognize these talents—whether they are skills you use at work, in your community, or within your family.
Practical Steps to Leverage Your Gifts:
Reflect on the areas in your life where you excel. What are you naturally good at? What do people frequently ask you to help with? These can be clues to your strengths.
Consider how you can apply these gifts in both your professional and personal life to align more closely with God's purpose for you.
Biblical Inspiration: David’s Hidden Strengths:
David is a prime example of hidden strengths being cultivated for a greater purpose. Though overlooked by others, his gifts were known to God. David remained diligent in his calling, and in time, his strengths were revealed, leading him to fulfill his purpose as King.
Take inspiration from David's story—continue to nurture your gifts, even when they seem unnoticed, knowing that God is preparing you for what’s ahead.
Actionable Steps This Week:
Reflect on your own strengths and gifts this week. What talents come naturally to you? Where have you seen evidence of God's gifts in your life?
If you're uncertain about your gifts or need help identifying them, consider scheduling a one-on-one coaching session. Let's work together to discover your unique strengths and how to use them effectively in your life's journey.
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Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

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Episode Summary: In this powerful episode, we challenge you to take action on what you've learned and been guided towards over the last four weeks. It's time to move forward with purpose and faith. Join us as we leap into the next chapter of our faith journey!
Key Points:
Encouragement to take action on what has been learned.
The importance of moving forward with the guidance received.
Creating a Roadmap to Success:
Ask yourself key questions: What's next? What actionable steps can you take now?
Importance of maintaining momentum and building on progress.
Brainstorming Session with God:
Utilize soaking music to create a peaceful atmosphere for prayer and reflection.
Write down immediate and long-term goals, even if they seem daunting or impossible.
Setting SMART Goals:
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.
Example goals provided to illustrate the process.
30, 60, and 90-Day Goals:
Encourage listeners to set short-term goals to maintain momentum.
Specific examples of what could be achieved in each time frame.
Looking Ahead to 12 Months:
Dream with God and envision where you could be in a year.
Write down detailed descriptions of your future success and impact.
Overcoming Obstacles:
Acknowledge that the journey won't be easy, but persistence is key.
Encouragement to keep moving forward despite challenges.
Scripture Reflection:
Esther 4:14 (NKJV): "Yet, who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
Amos 9:13: "Yes, indeed, it won’t be long now. God’s decree."
Final Encouragement:
Reaffirming the belief that this is your time and season to launch forward.
Encouragement to trust God's plan and take bold steps towards your calling.
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Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

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In this episode, we discuss how having the right people around us is crucial for achieving your goals and fulfilling your divine calling. We'll explore the significance of supportive divine connections, mentorship, and the holistic approach to integrating various aspects of life, such as health, finances, and personal growth, into your calling.
Key Points:
Importance of Community:
Community is essential for support and effectiveness in fulfilling one's calling.
Examples from the Bible, such as Moses needing support from Aaron and others, illustrate the need for a supportive community.
Role of Mentorship:
Mentorship is crucial, especially for new leaders and pastors.
Having someone ahead on the journey to guide and support is invaluable.
Holistic Approach to Calling:
Considering all areas of life, including career, finances, relationships, personal growth, and health, is important for effectively fulfilling one's calling.
Conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Trials) can help identify areas for improvement and potential challenges.
Training and Resources:
Identifying necessary training, certifications, or degrees needed for your specific calling.
Exploring various resources such as books, classes, online courses, and mentorship opportunities.
Health and Wellness:
Maintaining good health is essential for effectively carrying out your calling.
Praying for guidance on how to improve health and integrate wellness into daily routines.
Balance and Leisure:
Finding balance and ensuring time for leisure and relaxation is important to avoid burnout.
Seeking God's guidance on managing time and responsibilities.
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Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

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Key Points:
Introduction to the Calling Blueprint:
The Bible is our blueprint as believers in Jesus Christ.
It provides direction, insight, and examples from biblical narratives.
Focus for the Week:
Learning about Your Unique Calling: Using a 14-day Bible reading plan to understand what the Bible says about your calling.
Investigating Scriptures in Context: Reading scriptures in their full context to grasp their true meaning.
Finding Biblical Examples: Identifying people in the Bible who stepped into their calling and learning from their experiences.
Identifying Foundational Scriptures: Selecting two to three key scriptures to support you during challenging times.
Biblical Examples:
Joseph: A model of integrity and perseverance through hardship.
Esther: An example of yielding to her calling despite the risks.
Foundational Scriptures:
Importance of having scriptures to lean on during difficult times.
Examples of how to pray and recite these scriptures for strength and guidance.
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Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

FREE QUIZ: Am I growing in my calling? 
Focus of the Episode:
Understanding and discovering your calling through assessments.
Reflecting on your unique gifts and how God has created you.
Personal Insights:
Importance of assessments in understanding one's calling.
Personal experience with assessments to understand purpose. 
How the assessment results helped in identifying gifts like leadership, administration, and counseling.
Importance of Assessments:
Gain deeper insight into who you are and how God has created you.
Assessments help in understanding self-awareness, motivation, and unique giftings.
Encouragement to complete all assessments for a comprehensive understanding.
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Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

FREE QUIZ: Am I growing in my calling?
Podcast Theme:
The podcast is designed to help listeners understand their purpose, balance their lives, and deepen their relationship with God.
Shayla addresses common concerns like identifying one's calling and balancing responsibilities.
Shayla’s Personal Journey:
Shayla shares her background of working full-time in ministry and running a business.
She emphasizes the importance of surrendering to God to discover one’s true calling.
Main Topic: How to Know if God is Calling You to Help Others:
Indicator 1: Love to Help and Give:
Givers often have a strong desire to support and nurture others.
Shayla cautions about being taken advantage of and stresses the importance of discerning God’s will in helping.
Indicator 2: Feeling a Burden for Certain People:
A strong emotional response to certain situations or types of people can indicate a calling.
Shayla suggests this often stems from personal experiences.
Indicator 3: Having Resources to Offer:
Resources can be financial, wisdom, connections, or other forms of support.
Identifying and utilizing these resources can be a sign of being called to help others.
Next Steps for Helping Others:
Pray for Guidance:
Seek God’s direction on how specifically to help others.
Understand the importance of not interfering with God’s process in someone’s life.
Develop a Heart for Specific People:
Ask God to give you a heart for the person or group you’re called to help.
Pray for them, even if you don’t know them personally yet.
Seek Opportunities to Help:
Pray for God to place someone in your path to start helping immediately.
Focus on helping one person at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Conclusion and Encouragement:
Shayla encourages listeners to start their journey of helping others this week.
She emphasizes the importance of faithfulness in small tasks before larger opportunities arise.
Shayla assures listeners that they are called to help others and prays for their clarity and success in their calling.
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Tuesday Jul 23, 2024

Understanding Your Purpose:
Learn to balance your busy life and make time for what you're called to do.
Discover the importance of enjoying life and glorifying God through intentional living.
Living with Purpose:
God has a unique assignment for each of us.
Living life with purpose involves seeking God's direction and aligning your actions with His plan.
Action Steps to Live with Purpose:
Be Bold: Step out in faith and confidence.
Be Committed: Stay dedicated to your God-given assignment.
Be an Example: Reflect Jesus Christ in your daily actions and interactions.
Inspiration from Acts:
The Book of Acts is highlighted as an example of believers living with purpose, spreading the message of Jesus, and working in unity.
Take the Quiz:
Visit to take the "Am I Growing In My Calling?" quiz for insights into your purpose journey.
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